CHI Masterclass
Upcoming Masterclass
Singapore stands at the forefront of global healthcare innovation, yet the challenges of an aging population call for fresh perspectives. This panel brings together two world-renowned visionaries: Dr Patricia Moore, a pioneer in inclusive design; and Michela Magas, a leader in creative innovation ecosystems. Dr Patricia Moore and Michela Magas are also jurors for President's Design Award (PDA) 2025, which will be held on 31 July 2025. They are in Singapore to attend the PDA Jury Session from 17 to 21 February 2025.
🗓️: Friday, 21st February 2025
🕔: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM SGT
📍: Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation, Auditorium, Level 4
Through this session, you can gain insights on how Singapore can:
➡️ Harness human-centred design to create inclusive, age-friendly healthcare.
➡️ Build and foster a sustainable innovation ecosystem and culture that leverages data, AI and other emerging technologies.
This session will inspire actionable ideas and highlight the power of interdisciplinary collaboration to design healthcare systems that are innovative, equitable and future-ready.
Don't miss your chance to join this insightful session. Register your complimentary spot here!
This session is organised by the Centre for Healthcare Innovation, supported by DesignSingapore Council.
Past Masterclass
28 August 2024
Policy to Practice - How to Make this Work?
Dr Robin Gauld
Co-Director of the Centre for Health Systems and Technology at the University of Otago
In this session, Prof Gauld equipped us with the knowledge and tools to:
➡️ Navigate the shift in healthcare: Understand the evolving focus from tertiary to primary and preventive care.
➡️ Translate policy into action: Learn practical strategies for implementing effective health policies within your organization.
➡️ Foster collaboration: Discover how to build strong cross-sector partnerships to optimize health outcomes.
24 July 2024
Taming the Wicked Issues in Healthcare
Dr Glenda Eoyang
Founding Executive Director, Human Systems Dynamics Institute
Led by Glenda Eoyang, PhD, this session addresses the intricate challenges within the healthcare system that are often unsolvable and termed "wicked issues." These include not only pandemics but also workforce shortages, healthy ageing, end-of-life care, community-based care, social determinants of health, and the integration of Al and other technologies.
She will draw from the complexity sciences to offer insights into the dynamics of systemic, wicked issues. Participants will learn why these complex environments generate such issues and how to identify effective actions when complete solutions are unattainable. The masterclass aims to equip attendees with three simple practices to find the next wise action in the face of uncertainty. They will also hear stories from global healthcare systems that have successfully applied these practices to their complex challenges. -
24 May 2024
Transforming Healthcare Ecosystem: the Things We Tend to Ignore and Sometimes Get Wrong
Dr Abdullahi Sheriff
Managing Director Singapore, Malaysia & Brunei, MSD
During this session, Dr Abdullahi Sheriff will offer a deep dive into systemic issues and the complexities in transforming healthcare ecosystems. Attendees will gain insights into the paradoxical nature of specialisation and its ramifications on health systems, the benefits and downsides of health economics in guiding decisions that impact the healthcare ecosystem, as well as the important (and often understated) role that people with the right skills plays in enabling the sustainable evolution of any healthcare landscape. Using the lens of healthcare ecosystems, this thought-provoking session will also explore the evolution of Healthier SG and postulate on its future, drawing learnings from the transformation journeys of other healthcare ecosystems, particularly the UK. Sheriff will also be joined by a panel of experts to continue the conversation with the audience on how might we ensure we get it right in Singapore and set the benchmark for the world as we transform healthcare ecosystems. -
27 March 2023
The 5Cs of Community Leadership
Mr Patrick Tay
Assistant Secretary-General of NTUC and Member of Parliament of Pioneer SMC
Through this session, Patrick highlights the 5Cs of Community Leadership (Care, Connect, Create, Cultivate and Collaborate) and will be sharing hard truths and provide tips on how one can better engage and connect in the community. The session also touches on how we can be more genuine and effective leaders/partners as we roll up our sleeves towards population health and a Healthier SG. -
17 Feb 2023
Population Health - Ambition into Action
Dr Jonty Heaversedge
Chief Medical Officer and Chief Clinical Information Officer,
South East London Integrated Care System
Clinical Director, Imperial College Health Partners
Like most other health systems in the world, when the National Health System (NHS) in England was established, it was primarily focused on treating single conditions or illnesses. Since then both the understanding of disease and needs of the population have changed. People are living longer with multiple, complex, long-term conditions and increasingly require ongoing support from many different services and professionals. There is also a better understanding of the wider metabolic, behavioural, and environmental factors that are driving the increasing burden of ill-health, inequalities of outcome, and cost of care to society.
There is a growing realisation that this challenge cannot be met by health and care services alone – expanding current services to meet this need is unaffordable and a 'work-harder' approach will not help us to address these complex and multifactorial challenges. Increasingly health systems across the world are coming to the same conclusion – we need a fundamentally different approach – one which starts with our population and depends on strong partnership – not just between health and care providers but across government departments, community partners and, perhaps most importantly with our communities themselves.
These principles sit at the heart of current NHS reform and the introduction of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in England, but they are not new. Like other systems across the world, progress has been painfully slow, and whilst structural reform may help create the conditions for change it can easily belie the reality of the transformational challenge.
How do we translate these concepts into strategy, create a compelling vision that engages with our workforce, patients, and local communities, and prioritise action and investment to create impact? This requires a fundamental shift in mindset and method. We need to be clear how we think transformation happens in a complex system, how we create the conditions for improvement and innovation, develop enabling capabilities to catalyse change, and empower change-makers in our communities to unleash their energy and talent.
There is no 'right' answer and history would suggest that simply trying to replicate a solution in a different context is rarely successful. In this session Dr Jonty will share practical insights on prevention, primary care transformation, and population health management – to help accelerate our ambitions for happier, healthier populations in both England and Singapore.
7 Jul 2022
AI in Industry 4.0: The Future of Healthcare
Dr Tai-Yi Huang
Corporate Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, ASUS
The evolution of modern medicine to precision medicine is often hampered by two major challenges: Fragmented Data and Outdated Information Systems. In this masterclass, Dr Huang shares the lessons learnt in tackling these challenges, and present innovative solutions that have been developed in response to these challenges.
9 Oct 2019
Sustainability in Healthcare Transformation
Population Health Experiences of the Hong Kong Health System
Prof Gabriel Leung
LKS Faculty of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
Sustainable Transformation in Karolinska University Hospital
Assoc Prof Anders Ahlsson MD PhD, Associate Professor, FESC.
Managing Director,
Cardiovascular and Neurological Division,
Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden
‘Sustainable Transformation in Karolinska University Hospital’
The driving forces behind the transformation at Karolinska University Hospital are discussed, together with the initial plan, further development and refinement. Beneficial and negative aspects are demonstrated, as well as lessons learned.
23 Oct 2018
Integrating Care Across the Care Continuum
Dr Samir Sinha
Director of Geriatrics, Sinai Health System
Director of the University Health Network, Toronto, Canada
Mr Ralph Broad
Director, Inclusive Neighbourhoods Ltd
Founder, Local Area Coordination Network
Lessons Learned from the Development of Cost-Effective and Integrated Care Models for the Elderly in Toronto and Ontario, Canada
An aging population presents both a challenge and an opportunity to rethink how we organize and deliver elder care. Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital responded with the development of its Acute Care for Elders (ACE) strategy, led by Dr. Sinha which has demonstrated significant improvements in overall quality of care outcomes. It has reduced lengths of stay by 28 percent, lowered readmission rates by 14 percent and other adverse outcomes and inappropriate resource utilization through the successful implementation of evidence-informed care processes across the continuum of care, including integrating & coordinating care for the elderly to community care settings. Using these learnings, Dr. Sinha has helped to further create upstream Ministry of Health interventions like exercise and falls prevention classes, community paramedicine programs, and stronger investments in home and community care and supportive housing through the Government of Ontario’s Seniors Strategy that have further worked to improve patient and system outcomes
Transforming Services & Systems with Local Area Coordination in the UK
This Masterclass explores the design, development, implementation and long term outcomes of Local Area Coordination in England and Wales.Building on 30 years of international learning, Local Area Coordination is an integrated, evidence based approach to supporting people of all ages who may be facing complex life situations (including living with disabilities, mental health needs, ageing) and their families/carers to build and pursue their personal vision for a good life; stay strong/resilient, safe and connected as contributing citizens within their local communities; build practical, sustainable, local, non-service solutions to problems wherever possible; and build more welcoming, inclusive and supportive communities. Therefore, rather than waiting for crises and responding with services and money, it is about strengthening individuals and families – choice, control, opportunities and resilience; reducing isolation and loneliness, improving health and well-being; preventing or reducing demand for, or dependency on, costly services wherever possible; building community capacity and resilience; and supporting service reform and integration, having high quality services as a valued back up to local solutions.
11 Jul 2018
The Blueprint for Successful MedTech Innovation
Prof Pascal Verdonck
Professor of Medical Technology,
Ghent University, Belgium
Chief Executive Officer, MedTech Flanders
Technology and healthcare innovation often go hand in hand, with the aim to improve quality of life, life expectancy and offer new options for diagnosis and treatment. Yet healthcare leaders often need to balance innovation with cost effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare system.
How then should a healthcare leader respond to the rise in healthcare innovation and its challenges?
How should we decide which innovations to prioritise? In this CHI Masterclass, Professor Pascal Verdonck will give insights into the fine balance between the health benefits and economic impact of innovation. With his deep expertise in the area of MedTech, he will provide fresh perspectives on challenges that innovation poses. Benefiting patients is essential but is that sufficient? Join us as we explore the possibilities, regulations and qualifications that are needed to supplement medical technology to reach beyond basic patient care. Go on a learning journey to understand the elements involved and the way forward with MedTech!
21 Feb 2018
Understanding Key Concepts in Systems Thinking
Dr Peter Senge
Founding Chair,
Society for Organizational Learning (SoL)
Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Sustainability,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management
How might we transform and deal with complexities and moving pieces in large healthcare systems?
Having a vision without systems thinking, Senge says “ends up painting lovely pictures of the future with no deep understanding of the forces that must be mastered to move from here to there”. Systems thinking is ability to see the inter-dependencies of seemingly unrelated processes, and hinges on the intelligence of a collective. Enabling systemic change requires new ways of thinking and acting. This involves deep organisational learning, embracing a unique mix of different people, in different positions, who lead in different ways.
Join us in this CHI masterclass as we engage in a conversation with Senge to deepen understanding of key concepts in Systems Thinking, an invaluable perspective to foster aspiration towards our expanded healthcare mission.
12 Jan 2018
An Overview on the Gesundes Kinzigtal (GK) Model of Integrated Care Provision
Dr Martin Wetzel
Co-initiator and Founder,
Medical Quality Network Kinzigtaal Medical Initiative (MQNK)
Gesundes Kinzigtal (GK) is a joint venture between MQNK and a Hamburg-based healthcare management company, OptiMedis AG. Gesundes Kinzigtal is one of the few population-based integrated care approaches in Germany, and has proven to be successful in slowing the rise in healthcare costs for the population it serves – 16.9% in savings and a reduction in emergency hospital admissions.
Under the GK programme, health professionals are trained in shared decision-making to ensure that patients are actively involved in their own care. A system-wide electronic health record is also in place to support effective co-ordination of care across providers and care settings to support effective co-ordination of care.
In this CHI Masterclass, Dr Wetzel will give an overview on the GK Model of Integrated Care Provision, especially on how physicians and partners can work together to improve health outcomes of the population, efficiency of services, and experience of care, thereby slowing the rise in healthcare costs for the population it serves.
11 Oct 2017
Value Based Healthcare, A Tough but Necessary Journey – The UK Story
Dr Anant Jani
Executive Director
Better Value Healthcare
At a time when demand for healthcare services is increasing and resources available to deliver care are stagnant or decreasing, we must look to a new paradigm to ensure we can continue delivering care to the same, and ideally better, standards to the patients and populations we are accountable to. In these challenging times, a focus on quality and safety is necessary but not sufficient. We must shift our focus to a value-based healthcare paradigm, which will help us deliver better outcomes while optimizing resource utilization.
In this CHI Masterclass, Dr Anant Jani will give an overview of some of the approaches being taken in the UK to introduce value-based healthcare in approaches being taken in the UK to introduce value-based healthcare in hospital-based systems. He will talk about the successes and failures and will also focus on the importance of culture change as a key enablers for introducing value based healthcare.
28 Sep 2017
Building a Healthcare Team in the Community
Mr Stephen M.R. Covey
Trust Expert,
Executive Thought Leader,
and #1 Bestselling Author
As we expand healthcare beyond the hospital walls, it is important that we build trust and relationships with our partner and the communities beyond the hospital. Currently 10% of our workforce has jobs that connect and deliver care to the partners and the community, but this number is expected to rise.
In light of the aging population in Singapore, this session will focus on population health and ways which we can provide multi-disciplinary healthcare in the community. Stephen M.R. Convey will share about how we can build trust and collaboration with partners and community at large, through the transformation of our workforce.
1 July 2016
Collective Leadership for a Caring Kampung, and What it Means for You?
Dr Douglas O’Loughlin
Institute of Leadership & Organisation Development Civil Service College
In large and complex organisations, it is increasingly evident that the success of the organisation cannot be the responsibility of top leaders alone, and that the responsibility should be collective. Collective leadership is a state where everyone takes responsibility for the success of the organisation as a whole and not just for their own work area. In a large and complex organisation like TTSH, a culture of collective leadership would help to reduce blind spots and bottlenecks.
If leadership can be described as an action that makes a team or organisation more effective and healthy, then let's continue on our paths of expanding where leadership happens. Staff get more comfortable making decisions that would serve the greater good, leaders build more trust and leadership capacity.
In order for this to happen, some of our mental models and behaviours might require some changes. Leaders, and eventually all staff, come to see themselves as stewards of psychological safety, quality of conversations, and healthy conflict. Interactions are more meaningful, meetings are more spirited, and our patients and their families are more connected with us. By the way, leaders do not give up control, but paradoxically gain more control by adopting these practices, and develop their ability to flex between collective and positional leadership, depending on the situation and context.
In this CHI Masterclass on collective leadership, we will explore ways of expanding your culture of collective leadership, so each and every one of us in our 'Kampung' can better manage the increasing complexity of health care, for our patients, our people, and our community.
In this interactive session we will inquire into questions such as:
• Why collective leadership, and what does it look and feel like in healthcare?
• How can understanding systems dynamics enhance partnership and leadership in TTSH?
• What are the mind-sets and power shifts of collective leadership?
• Where do we start and what can we do?
24 Jun 2015
Design Thinking for Healthcare – What’s Required?
Ms Joanne Teh
Asian Insights & Design Innovation,
DesignSingapore Council
In the recent years, design thinking has gained widespread currency amongst global leaders as a tool for innovation. In Singapore, it has also started to gain traction, especially in the Healthcare space. Using a case study, the speaker will share design thinking journey taken by one hospital, the mind-set required for innovation, as well as advice on where and how to start!
20 Apr 2015
Innovation, The Ko Awatea Story
Prof Jonathon Gray
Ko Awatea (New Zealand) Director, Innovative Centre for Health Systems Improvement, Ko Awatea
Ko Awatea is the Centre of Health System Improvement and Innovation for the Counties Manukau District Health Board (New Zealand), set up to improve value and drive transformational change required to keep pace with the rising demand for health services managed within tight financial constraints.
Ko Awatea leads and supports healthcare transformation using a collaborative approach to encourage innovation, quality improvement and knowledge transfer. Ko Awatea is also a centre of education dedicated to meeting the needs of students, CMH staff and visitors through education, leadership and professional development.