Eligibility Criteria and Rules
Eligibility Criteria
This Challenge is open and offered solely to:
Start-ups and SMEs. A business entity, regardless of its business area, locally or overseas, Start-up and SMEs with annual revenue below Singapore Dollars One Hundred Million (SGD$100,000,000). This may include research institutions and innovation units of enterprises, if they are subsidiaries.
Singapore-based and international participants except for close relatives of anyone involved in the organisation and judging of the challenge.
Start-ups and SMEs must not be in negotiation for exit throughout the challenge and test-bedding phase.
Start-ups and SMEs are required, in Organisers’ sole discretion, to provide proof of the above, including but not limited to (i) company registration by submitting a registration certificate issued within the last three (3) months, or ongoing company registration, or any trade registry and proof ensuring the registration of the entity in the relevant country, and (ii) a valid professional insurance policy subscription.
Must be at a high level of market readiness i.e. Technology Readiness Level 7 and beyond, or the equivalent.
Must seek to deliver improved patient health outcomes (including but not limited to clinical, functional and patient reported outcomes) and patient experience in line with the challenge statements.
Relating to operational processes that do not have a direct impact to patient outcomes will strictly not be accepted.
May originate from within or outside of Singapore but are required to be test-bedded and evaluated in one of the three healthcare clusters in Singapore.
With the relevant safety and regulatory compliance registration/ approvals/ licensing will be preferred. These must be declared in your application form. While licensing is not a mandatory requirement for participation, these aspects would be used as a gauge of your solution’s maturity.
With prior demonstration of clinical efficacy or have been previously validated would be preferred. Proposals in early research studies, early minimally viable products or solutions that are still in development phase will strictly not be accepted.
All the documents that may confirm the Participant’s eligibility may be required prior to awarding any prizes (e.g. identity document, registration certificate, etc.).
This Challenge is void in countries where it is prohibited or restricted by law. Applications from companies included in the US or EU sanctions list and/or blacklisted by any UN or international agency will not be accepted.
Click here for more details on CHISEL Healthcare InnoMatch 2025 challenge rules.